Friday, May 31, 2013

When there was me and you

It's funny when you find yourself  looking from the outside.I'm standing here but all I want is to be over there.
Why did I let myself believe Miracles could happen? 'Cause now I have to pretend that I don't really care.
I thought you were my "fairytale". A dream when I'm not sleeping.A wish upon a star that's coming true.
But everybody else could tell that I confused my feelings with the truth.When there was me and you!
I swore I knew the melody that I heard you singing and when you smiled ,you made me feel like I could sing along. But then you went and changed the words, now my heart is empty. I'm only left with used-to-be's. And once upon a song, now I know you are not a fairytale. Cause now even I can tell that I confused my feelings with the truth. I can't believe that I could be so blind .It's like you were floating.While I was falling And I didn't mind .Cause I liked the view I thought you felt it too.When there was me and you.

反复的听了这歌一遍又一遍。 每一个字那样刺在心里面。

我不知道说什么好。我真的很不喜欢这个感受,因为很像笨蛋。全世界的人可以误解我,就你们不可以知道吗。我可以把自己放得狭窄,但是我这个人就是很宽的。我说不出来这是什么感觉。只能说,memory saved。我回忆了过去一下,我进来学校到今天,我总算在前个礼拜天晚上开始,喜欢窝在祷告室的。星期天晚上,星期一晚上,星期二早上。这是我这学期一个大突破。


我想,继续回到我的音乐中。停止吧。一句叮咛自己的话,dont care。。。。


:p 抽离吧~~~~~~~

1 comment:

Michelle said...

dear, what happened o? Hope to hear from u next week :)